Articles by Mary Drosopoulos

Greece and the war in Ukraine, between solidarity and fear

17/03/2022 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

After Putin's invasion, Greece has shown solidarity with both Ukraine and the many refugees who have arrived from the country in war. However, there are concerns about the possible fallout from the rift with Russia, which had longstanding and solid relations with Greece

Greece: going to jail for saving lives?

11/02/2022 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Twenty-four volunteers involved in rescuing migrants and refugees at sea are on trial in Greece. A controversial case, which targets that part of Greek and European civil society committed to saving lives in the Mediterranean

3mesiDI: La Grecia alle prese con la quinta ondata Covid-19

23/12/2021 -  Mary Drosopoulos

La quinta ondata di Covid-19 si è rivelata la più pesante per la Grecia. Il governo Mitsotakis spinge alla vaccinazione con la tecnica del bastone e della carota. Nei mesi passati novità nel campo delle partnership strategiche internazionali e il tragico aumento dei femminicidi


Greece looks to the US for security and investments

09/12/2021 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Relations between Greece and the US – historically strong, but not always rosy – are strengthening at an economic and strategic level, as testified by the renewal of a mutual defense pact, with eyes on the threatening role of Erdogan's Turkey